Danny is a Blue silver Classic Tabby with white (AS 09 22). He was born on Christmas Day 2020
TGC Maine Marie Tengri of Aoi Neko x CH Honey Devil Kumiko of Aoi Neko
DNA Negative by parentage for the following (Wisdom Health DNA Report added 8/2022)
HCM MyBPC3 Mutations
Erythrocyte Puruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Polycystic Kidney Disease
11/29/21 NW Cardiology – Dr. Woodfield
Clear and Healthy
5/1/23 NW Cardiology – Dr. Woodfield
Clear and Healthy
Hips: Right Normal
Left Normal

Danny’s Show results
November 6, 2021 November 7, 2021 – The Maine Event, Olympia, Washington
1LH Bonnie Wilson SP
4LH Jackie Rose SP
1 LH Bonnie Wilson SP
3 LH Jackie Rose SP