Back to the show ring

Well  it’s hard to believe 2021 is already 1/2 over!  We have been back in the show ring.

Earlier in June we attended the Chehalis Cat Show, which was the very first show that allowed spectators!  It was so, so nice to see some cat fancy faces I have not seen in over a year.

Still waiting for the official show report to come out and hoping we have another Champion in our midst.

I know many of you are hoping for kittens.  More on that later 🙂

Stay cool!  Lets hope this June heatwave isn’t what is to come for the rest of summer!

Christmas Kittens

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

I spent my Christmas morning with Kumiko birthing 6 kittens.   She gave me quite a shock with a very high white kitten!  Wow.

3 blues – 2 look to be solid mackerel, and 1 is blue with quite a bit of white.
1 very high white with black spot on the head
2 that are black with white (one has white around the neck).  Most likely ticked.

2 days old an everyone is making little gains.   Rocket (aka Kumiko) has settled in to being a mom pretty well.  We battled over birthing areas, and she won….she is parked in a giant wire dog crate in the living room lol  Crazy girl, apparently did NOT want peace and quiet!

I try not to handle them much, other than to weigh them.  If I do snap some photos, they best place to see those will be instagram or facebook.

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